Friday, January 3, 2014

Climate and Culture

As you know if you followed yesterday's entry, we arrived at our hostel which has been clean, cute and very inviting.  However, one great luxury was missing...... Airconditioning!!! We feel like we're in Haiti during one of our trips to the orphanage.  We had no idea that Guayaquil would be this hot and humid and really hadn't packed clothes for such an intense heat, but then again we ARE on the equator.  We spent some of the day in the pool trying to cool off.

Coco has been entertaining herself with the hostel's two cats and has become the "joy" of the house... She is constantly petting or chasing the cats around.  She even took a few nasty scratches, but that didn't slow her down in her pusuit!  The poor cats are in hiding!!! :) 

She absolutely loves the hostel and all the attention she gets by the staff and guests (she is the only kidddo around).  The staff have been trying to get her to learn more Spanish.  She is picking up a few words here and there, however she asked me yesterday, if the Spanish word for white was Snowflake, lol!! :) they even gave her a Christmas crown!!

We then took a taxi into the centro of Guayaquil to check out the historic cathedral and the iguana park!  Coco was amazed by the Iguanas which roam around the park and even let you pet them (which she did not, but Daddy on the other hand was all about it :) )

The cathedral was beautiful and we were in awe of how many people were in there praying during the middle of the day.  It was amazing to see people taking a time out!
We then walked along the water front and came upon a park for kids, which of course Coco was all about.  The interesting thing about Ecuador or maybe Guayaquil as compared to other countries we have traveled too, there are absolutely NO american tourists anywhere!  Coco kept asking why is everyone Spanish?  and speaking Spanish?  She's still trying to grasp this adventure... She couldn't believe that taxis don't have seatbelts or car seats (Yikes)... 

People kept taking picutres of the little blonde "gringo"!  When she got to the park and jumped on the seesaw no one would get on it with her, instead people and kids kept staring at her and a couple even came up and gently touched her arm, which of course didn't bother her a bit.  She was oblivious to the attention and soon a brave little girl jumped on the seesaw and of course and instant connection was sparked, followed by laughter and smiles... :)  
See Saw

From there we hailed a taxi and tried to find a Starbucks (only because Clay and Natalie requested a Ecuador Starbucks cup)!  However, there is not a single Starbucks in Ecuador!?!?!? Instead they have a company called Sweet and Cream, so Clay and Natalie that will be your new mug!! :)  We tried!! :(

We came back to the Hostel picked Mangos and Papaya and had a couple Capirinhias while Coco and I played a few games of Jenga and chatted with some of the guests.  

After she went to bed I began strategizing teaching Nutrition for my college and found myself getting so excited to share all the different foods and drinks.  I populated my calendars and was so impressed with the speed of the Wifi...  I can't wait to share this amazing culture and its food with my classes this quarter.... We have been in awe of the lack of poverty in Guayaquil, I guess coming from spending time in Haiti so much and especially post earthquake Haiti, it is a stark contrast... The diets here are very healthy and people eat all the fruit from their trees, doesn't seem like anything is wasted... 

By the was this morning's juice was Mora- a mixture of black berries, water and slight sugar (yumm)!  

Today we will travel to our destination of Cuenca moving from a 13.5 ft elevation to 8500 ft! We will be either taking a van or a driver depending on how we can take our totes.  We have read that its an incredible drive... :)  

We are staying in another hostel tonight, at $12/night per person and Coco is half price.  These is also complimentry breakfasts and of course free mangos and papayas! 

Final quote from the day comes from the quote over the hostel doorway.... "OUR LAND IS YOUR DESTINATION!"


  1. I am so loving this, Annie!! It's great to see all the pictures and watch the videos, thank you for taking time to document this . . . I feel like I am with you . . . even though beyond my computer screen is my snow covered backyard and a blizzard on its way tonight. Love to you and your family! (And yes, I may comment on every post!!!) :-)

  2. thanks so much for sharing your time with us. Its so great to see everyone is adjusting so well, even little gringo. Take care, hugs and kisses, Damaris
