Thursday, January 2, 2014

Time Out

So as you know if your following this blog we have made the decision to take a mental/physical "time out" from our busy, hectic, and often chaotic lives.  Much of the chaos was brought on by our own doing, but either way we knew we couldn't sustain the constant "grind".  While driving home one day from work in a long line of rush hour traffic a song came on the radio which had always been Jared's and my "travel/ adventure" song.  I began to daydream about us living in a different country and started reminiscing about our past adventures to Morrocco, Turkey and other far off lands.  When I got home I quickly jumped on the computer to research best places to live abroad and have a very affordable cost of living.  I knew I would have to do it quick because as soon as Jared knew my "dream" he would make it happen.  Obviously, he saw it! and that brings the story current!


We left Tampa yesterday and boarded the plane with our two totes and a couple of bags of luggage.  As we went to the American Airlines counter with all of our life for the next 3-6 months, she paused us and said "I'm sorry I believe there is an embargo to Ecuador today."  Being the savy travelers we like to believe we are we began to argue that we had researched and the embargo was only for the capital city Quito and not for Guayaquil.  I was secretly panicking, we had packed so precisely and so carefully, what would we do if we couldn't bring half of our stuff?  As the ticket lady searched through the latest information and travel warnings, we stood quietly nearby anxiously awaiting every, sigh, or "hmmmm?" she muttered... We were absolutely overwhelmed with joy when she said "interesting!!! Guayaquil for some reason doesn't have an embargo!!! :) :) :)  Totes checked and comfortably boarding our plane to Miami the same "travel song" began to play over the radio system in the airport.  Reassuring us that this was a sign we were going to have a great day traveling to the country we had never been too and to the city I knew nothing about.

As we boarded our flight to Guayaquil, the fear dissapated and the excitment began.  Coco of course met a friend immediately: Francesco, his parents Luca and Isabel became our first contacts for naviagting the country.  Luca is Italian and Isabel Colombian they absolutely love raising their son in Ecuador and I was impressed with this little boys grasp of English, Spanish and Italian.  Coco and him shared a seat and became fast friends

We exchanged emails and Luca said to let him know if we need anything or have any questions.  He works for Miller Brewing and over sees the south american operations and often travels to Cuenca which will be our final destination.  He and Isabel reassured us that Cuenca is the place to live in Ecuador if you're looking for peace and relaxation.  :)

We touched down in the sleepy city of Guayaquil and easily found a "certified" taxi with help of friendly strangers and the aid of our Spanish dictionary.

We arrived to our Hostel at 1:45 am (with a sleepy Coco).

We are in awe of how inexpensive accomadations are and how nice and clean.  We had breakfast on the patio today.

Laid back is the atmosphere.  Coco kept saying "they have hanging beds"... 

She then spent time after breakfast coloring and using the much appreciated gifts from grandparents. 

Now she's taking a swim and learning how to jump off the diving board.

Leaving today's blog with the quote from our hostel room:  "The impulse to travel is one of the hopeful symptoms of life."  


  1. This is great! But that kid needs a brother or sister - hopefully there will be a bun in the oven before this adventure is over!! :-)

  2. Thank you for including me on this! I wish I had slowed down and gotten to know you better and am so happy you are listening to your heart and living out your adventures! I will live through your blogs and follow, but tell me how to do that? Is there something I do to be notified when you update?
