Monday, January 6, 2014

Red Umbrella

We had a great night last night preparing for work and school.  We enjoyed our hostel and were able to meet so many people from all over the world.  Turns out our hostel is one of the "places" to be in Cuenca and there are people coming from all over to staying here.  Its great to find out the tips of where to go and what to see in South America. We have met several young American couples, one of the couples were both nurses and decided to take 6 months and travel from Costa Rica to Patagonia.

Many people are traveling to Colombia and are raving about how beautiful the country is! Shout out to Paula, your country is the talk of everyone.  :)  Also some of the nicest people we've met on our travels have been from Colombia.  Though Colombia won't be on our agenda this trip.  

We went out to meet Martha at the Cuban restaurant that we had met the other couple of Americans on Saturday.  As we arrived at the restaurant the owner "Don Carlos" greeted us as he had remembered seeing us last week.  We told him we were meeting Martha and were going to search out apartments and houses, he said that was interesting since he had seen her an hour earlier.  We waited and waited...
Waiting at Don Carlos restaurant!

Pretty soon it was 12:30 and Jared called Martha who said she had just gotten out of the hospital! Hmmm?  She had just been at the restaurant an hour earlier.  Kind of weird.  She said she would be unable to meet us and even though she had previously told us there were rentals available now said nothing was available till February... So, yep! We won't be working with her.  Another interesting thing I noticed while at "Don Carlos's" restaurant were several Americans coming up to him and handing him pieces of paper.  Nosey me, I could see that one of the notes said "Xanax" and the woman said she had had a prescription in the states but couldn't get any down here.  I heard "Don Carlos" say don't worry I will get you what you need... Hmmmmm?????  No wonder so many people are going there, he must have some connections.  We will be staying FAR away from him and his contacts..

We had heard from another contact about a house and hopped into a cab and drove across Cuenca to check it out.  They had told us it would be furnished, but when we arrived it was barren and a bit run down.  :(  

Poor Jared spent the rest of the day driving from apartment to apartment from lead after lead.  We did find a couple great ones, however in Ecuador if someone has already expressed interest in a place, which both places have had, then you have to wait to hear if they pass it up.  It has been great getting to see the city and finding areas we do and don't like.  

Someone asked me what the weather has been like.  It's beautiful!!! 60-80s year round, unfortunately we've had a lot of rain the last two days, but the fresh air has been great for all of us and I no longer am suffering from allergies like I had in Florida. 
On a disappointing note for Coco she lost her red umbrella today!!! She cried and cried!!! :( we must have left it in a cab!! 

 We keep commenting on how refreshing the mountain air is.  There are so many birds and we love leaving our room door open so we can hear them chirping.
Our room for now!

Coco and I spent the afternoon putting puzzles together and playing with playdo! It's been great time spent together! Soon the lost umbrella didn't matter :)

The apartment search will continue tomorrow!!! 

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