Thursday, January 9, 2014

FOUND!!! :)

So we spent yesterday searching for apartments.  We had contacted a few more Realtors and had no luck, it started to feel pretty overwhelming as we were told by several people that there are very few short term rentals.  Some people said we should possibly consider living in hostels for the rest of our time.  :(

We decided to just relax, pray and see what the day brought.  As we walked around the city, Jared had decided to contact a site called Gringo Tree and they had a few apartments listed.  He called on one particular rental, directly in the area we wanted and way BELOW the price we had budgeted for, so we didn't have our hopes up that it would be desirable beyond its location.  However, he was pleasantly surprised when the person advertising spoke English and was very eager to meet with us.

Turns out this flat was in an INCREDIBLE part of town and is owned by a family, whose son just returned from New York and has remodeled much of the property.  As soon as we met him and his wife we were instantly excited for the flat.  It has a huge iron gate around the property as he showed us the initial two furnished apartments we weren't too impressed, as they were a bit dark and very small.  He then said "I have one more apartment on the top floor with a rooftop terrace and is currently being remodeled, however I'm not very interested in renting it out at this time."

As we climbed the stairs we couldn't believe how cute the flat was and how much light streamed into it with its sun lights and cute layout.  Granite counter tops and a fresh breeze blowing through the open windows.  A school lies behind the building so you can hear the laughter of children.  The rooftop terrace overlooks the Cajas National Park with a beautiful Cathedral in the distance.  Below was a garden area that was currently being remodeled and had just been cleaned and new grass was being put in.  Then he told us the price they were considering if they were to rent it $250.00/mo and an additional $30.00 for high speed Internet :)

He said he would discuss the option of the apartment with his family and would let us know.  We heard back today that we got it!! :) :) They are furnishing it for us with brand new beds, a new stove, and new refrigerator.  We can't move in until Monday as they are finishing up the remodel for us.  We are so excited to check it out Monday and assure the Wifi is good and that all is completed as said.  Please continue to keep us in your prayers.  :)

We then decided to drive to the top of Cuenca to another cathedral where we could see the city from above.  Helps us to get a visual.
Coco loved the view!
Another beautiful church!
Another telescope (thanks Grandma Nana for the hat, she wears it all the time)
We then strolled around the area and decided to try some of the local foods:  We have yet to be disappointed!! :)

Hence the BIG smile!
We then strolled a local market for some warmer clothes.  Its been rainy the last few days and no places have heaters as they don't normally have this cool of weather so we thought we would buy some warmer sweaters from the Incan market.

Coco and my new sweaters and Coco in her new gloves! 
Last night we finished the night in our hostel room, did homework and work.  Ending the night with Jared and I having a glass of Chilean wine and watching a movie while our baby slept :)  It was so cozy in our little room and one of my happiest moments on this journey!


Today we woke up with a chill and my joints were aching, looked out the window and it was another rainy day and (no, my family, I don't think its RA, it feels more like a chill from sleeping in a cold room with no heat.)

Jared had heard of a great spa out of the city and had heard if you arrived before 0800 you could get in for $15.00.   He arranged a cab and we drove to Banos, a beautiful city on the mountains just outside of town and we pulled up to a beautiful spa surrounded by mountains and authentic little homes.  

I was shocked at how beautiful it was and how incredible the service was.  We were able to enjoy pools filled with water from volcanic vapors.  Apparently its very good for your body and any ailments.  They have red clay and blue clay baths. 
Beautiful resort on lava rock. 
None of us are in this picture as we had already done the treatments, but the first tub is red mud and the second blue! :)

An an interesting thing called a sweat box.  I didn't last long as it made me feel a bit claustrophobic.  Jared loved it... 
Sweat boxes
Kind of a weird picture, but Jared LOVED it!! 

I loved the hot and cold plunge in the lava caves! :)

Coco had a blast and of course.... Made new friends with a girl her age whose parents (from Toronto) were visiting family in Cuenca.  The sun came out in the middle of our day and we were in heaven.  Except for the fact that we had no idea how easily you BURN here.  I guess you would assume so since we are on the equator and at such a high elevation.  Thank goodness our new acquaintances had sunscreen, but we each are all still a bit toasty!!
Always having fun!!
Such a cutie!! :) Our buddy!! xoxo
Another beautiful church, this one was in Banos...
When we got home from the spa we settled in and did work and rested for a bit and decided to walk to the market and were again asking a million questions of the vendors as to what different fruits were.  Poor Coco, she kept saying "I just want something normal."  I have never seen a kid so excited to find bananas and apples, lol!! ;) 

On our walk home we came across a little blond girl and her parents leaving a restaurant.  We instantly had a connection and found out they are professors working here for the past three months and will be here another three.  Their daughter is Cocos age and they are from Washington state and Minnesota originally! :) They were excited to meet us and we were soooo excited to meet them.  We instantly exchanged information and they invited us to join them and another couple to go hiking this weekend in the Cajas National Forest... They also have their daughter in a school here and are so pleased with her adaptability and quickness in picking up the language... 

I am so excited to get into our apartment so we can get a bit more settled and I can start to geting involved in the community here.  I brought my stethoscope and I hope to volunteer at a hospital or organization!! :)  

Thanks again for following our journey and we are so blessed to be able to share this with you!! :) 

Also for those of you who maybe wondering, we are still VERY involved in Haiti, we are currently gearing up to launch my brother's doctoral project in Haiti this spring and through next year. He will be implementing a study in order to gain more knowledge about the educational levels and needs of school age children.  So Haiti is still in our hearts!! :) :)  

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